CustomHud v4 Docs are WIP
For temporary documentation on all the features added in v4, see the changelog

Variable Flags

Syntax: {<variable> <flags>}

Variable flags are added to the end of variables to change the output.


Examples Underneath

String Flags Description
-uc -uppercase Makes the result uppercase
-lc -lowercase Makes the result lowercase
-tc -titlecase Capitalizes the first letter of each word, lowercases the rest
-sc -smallcaps Turns all lowercase characters to small caps
-nd -nodashes Replaces dashes and underscores with spaces
Icon Flags Description
-dvc --- Disable the vertical centering of the icon
-w<width> -width Changes how much space of the line the icon takes
This does not change the display of the icon itself, use -s / -scale for that
-shift Shifts the icon
Number Flags Description
-p<precision> -precision How many digits after the period
-s<scale> -scale How much to scale the value by
Stat Flag Description
-f -formatted Uses the formatter for that stat used in the Statistics Screen
Item Slot Flags Description
-rich The next 3 flags combined
-count Shows the item's stack count
-dur Shows the item's durability
-cooldown Shows the cooldown for that item


Examples for Icon / Item Slot Icons can be found on the Icons page

Profile File

String Flags
&6Uppercase: &e{dimension -uc}
&6Lowercase: &e{dimension -lc}
&6Titlecase: &e{dimension -tc}
&6Titlecase w/ smallcaps: &e{dimension -tc -sc}
&6Titlecase w/ nodashes: &e{dimension -tc -nd}

Precision Flag
&6Default: &e{x}
&62 Points: &e{x -p2}
&60 Points: &e{x -p0}

Scale Flag (walk_one_cm)
&6No Scale: &e{stat:walk_one_cm}
&6x1/100: &e{stat:walk_one_cm -s1/100}
&6x0.001: &e{stat:walk_one_cm -s0.001}

Formatted (walk_one_cm)
&e{stat:walk_one_cm -f}

Result In-Game