CustomHud v4 Docs are WIP
For temporary documentation on all the features added in v4, see the changelog


Icons are non-text variables that display (usually a texture)

Table of Contents

Section Variable Description
Item Icon {icon:<item_id>} Shows the given item
Texture Icon {icon:<texture_path>}
Shows the given texture
Item Slot Icon {item:<slot>:icon} Show the item in <slot>
Gizmo {gizmo} Shows the F3 Crosshair/Gizmo


Icon Flags Description
-dvc --- Disable the vertical centering of the icon
-s<scale> -scale How much to scale the value by
-w<width> -width Changes how much space of the line the icon takes
-shift Shifts the icon

Item Icon: {icon:<item_id>}

Shows the given item using its item-id like minecraft:diamond_pickaxe

Profile File

==Scale: 2==
{icon:wooden_sword} {icon:iron_sword} {icon:golden_sword}

{icon:diamond_sword -sh3,0} {icon:netherite_sword -sh3,0}

{icon:ender_pearl -s1.75 -sh10,0}

Result In-Game

Item Slot Icon: {item:<slot>:icon}

Show the item that is in <slot> like hotbar.0

This icon variable has a few extra flags that you can use to add additional information to the icon:

Item Slot Flags Description
-rich The next 3 flags combined
-count Shows the item's stack count
-dur Shows the item's durability
-cooldown Shows the cooldown for that item

Profile File

==Scale: 2==
{item:mainhand:icon} {item:offhand:icon}

{item:main:icon -dur} {item:off:icon -count}

Result In-Game

Gizmo: {gizmo}

Shows the F3 Crosshair/Gizmo

Profile File

2| Facing: |{gizmo}|
4| &2Facing&f | {gizmo -s1.5 -sh0,3} | &e({yaw},{pitch })
5| &a  {facing_towards_pn_sign}{facing_towards_xz}&f    |      | &a{facing -tc}

Result In-Game