CustomHud v4 Docs are WIP
For temporary documentation on all the features added in v4, see the changelog

Statistics Variable


When the stat variable uses the -f  variable flag, it uses the formatter

Formatter Effect
None Does nothing
Time Turns the raw ticks into years, days, hours, minutes, and seconds
Distance Turns the raw centimeters into kilometers, meters, and centimeters
Divide by Ten Divides the stat by 10 (for damage stats)

All Possible Statistics

Syntax: {stat:<stat>}

Type Value Example
mined block_id {stat:mined:stone}
crafted item_id {stat:crafted:oak_planks}
used item_id {stat:used:apple}
broken item_id {stat:broken:iron_pickaxe}
picked_up item_id {stat:picked_up:stone}
dropped item_id {stat:dropped:diamonds}
killed entity_id {stat:killed:cow}
killed_by entity_id {stat:killed_by:player}
Miscellaneous Formatter
leave_game None
play_time Time
total_world_time Time
time_since_death Time
time_since_rest Time
drop None
sneak_time Time
jump None
Movement (Formatter: Distance)
walk_one_cm walk_under_water_one_cm
sprint_one_com walk_on_water_one_cm
swim_one_cm boat_one_cm
fly_one_cm minecart_one_cm
aviate_one_cm pig_one_cm
fall_one_cm strider_one_cm
--- horse_one_cm
Entity Interactions / Combat Formatter
target_hit deaths mob_kills players_killed None
animals_bred fish_caught talked_to_villager traded_with_villager
damage_dealt damage_dealt_absorbed damage_dealt_resisted damage_taken Divide by Ten
damage_blocked_by_shield damage_absorbed damage_resisted ---
Block Interactions (Formatter: None)
interact_with_furnace interact_with_crafting_table interact_with_brewingstand interact_with_beacon interact_with_blast_furnace interact_with_smoker
interact_with_lectern interact_with_campfire interact_with_cartography_table interact_with_loom interact_with_stonecutter interact_with_anvil
interact_with_grindstone interact_with_smithing_table inspect_dropper inspect_hopper inspect_dispenser bell_rings
fill_cauldron use_cauldron clean_armor clean_banner clean_shulker_box eat_cake_slice
play_record play_noteblock tune_noteblock pot_flower enchant_item sleep_in_bed
trigger_trapped_chest open_enderchest open_chest open_shulker_box open_barrel ---