Written for v2.1.0

Real-Time Variable

Syntax: {real_time:<time_format>}

<time_format> is made up of the symbols below. Non A-Z letters like spaces,  :. ,  and ,  passes through to the output. If you want to write text between the symbols below, surround the text with ' s. If you want to display an actual '  write ''.


Examples Underneath


Letter Unit Display
H Hour 0-23
h Hour 1-12
k Hour 1-24
K Hour 0-11
m Minute 0-59
s Second 0-59
S Millisecond 0-999
a AM / PM AM, PM
z Timezone Abbreviated Name
zzzz Timezone Full Name


Letter Unit Display
MMMM Month Full Name
MMM Month Abbreviated Name
M / MM Month 1-12
d Day in month 0-31
yyyy Year 4 digits
yy Year Last 2 digits
EEEE Day of the week Full Name
E / EE Day of the week Abbreviated Name
u Day of the week 1-7


Letter Description
G Era (BC / AD)
w Week in year
W Week in month
D Day in year
F Day of week in month
(2nd wednesdays: 2)


Profile File

24h Time w/ Secs: {real_time:H:m:s}
12h Time w/ Secs: {real_time:h:m:s a}
24h Time w/ TimeZone: {real_time:H:m z}
With Words: {real_time:h 'o''clock', m 'minutes'}

American Date: {real_time:E, MMM d, yyyy}
Non-American Number Date: {real_time:d M yyyy}

Result In-Game