Written for v2.1.0


Theming allows you to customize the style of your profiles, like foreground and background color, font, scale, text shadow, and line spacing.

Theme Options have to be placed above any Section Headers

Syntax: ==<option>:<value>==

Theme Options:

Option Description Value Type Default Value
ForegroundColor Color of the text Color #FFFFFFFF
BackgroundColor Color of the background Color #44000000
Scale Scale of the hud Decimal 1.0
LineSpacing How much space there is between lines Integer 2
TextShadow Should the text have a shadow true / false true
Font The font the text should be rendered in Identifier
(See table below)
TargetRange How far does the target variables work Integer 20

Built-In Fonts

Minecraft has a few built-in fonts that I've slightly modified so that characters not in the font still works

Font Identifier Alphabet
Default minecraft:default The default font alphabet
Illager (Alphanumberic) minecraft:illageralt The illageralt font alphabet
Illager (Alphabet Only) minecraft:illageralt2 The illageralt2 font alphabet
Standard Galatic Alphabet
(Enchanting Table)
minecraft:alt The alt font alphabet