Written for v3


CustomHud Version: v3.0 - v3.3
This is a list of every variable you can use in the profiles. There are over a hundred variables you can use. For easy searching, the list has been broken down into related categories that you can see on the left sidebar.

If you're not using Conditionals, then you can safely ignore the Number Value and Boolean Value columns.

Find Variable from F3 Screen

Click to show/hide Hover to view variable name (shown under image), and click to go to variable in the table Minecraft Version Variable: {version} Client Game Version Variable: {client_version} Client Brand Name Variable: {modded_name} Frames Per Second Variable: {fps} Maximum Frames Per Second Variable: {max_fps} Vsync Variable: {vsync} Graphics Quality Variable: {graphics_mode} Cloud Quality Variable: {clouds} Biome Blend Variable: {biome_blend} GPU Usage Variable: {gpu} Tick Time in Milliseconds (Singleplayer Only) Variable: {ms_ticks} Related: {tps} Packets Sent Variable: {tx} Packets Received Variable: {rx} Chunks Rendered and Loaded Variable: {chunks_rendered}, {chunks_loaded} Chunk Culling Variable: {chunks_culling} Render Distance Variable: {render_distance} Pending Chunks to be Patched (pC) Variable: {queued_tasks} Pending Uploads to Video Card (pU) Variable: {upload_queue} Available Buffers to Use in the Batching Process (aB) Variable: {buffer_count} Entities Rendered and Loaded Variable: {entities_rendered}, {entities_loaded} Simulation Distance Variable: {simulation_distance} Particles Variable: {particles} Entities Loaded Variable: {entities_loaded} Dimension ID Variable: {dimension_id} Related: {dimension} Forced Loaded Chunks Variable: {fc} X,Y,Z Coordinates Variable: {x}, {y}, {z} Block X,Y,Z Coordinates Variable: {bx}, {by}, {bz} In Chunk X,Y,Z Coordinates Variable: {icx}, {icy}, {icz} Chunk X,Y,Z Variable: {cx}, {cy}, {cz} Relative Region X,Z Variable: {rrx}, {rrz} Region X,Z Variable: {rex}, {rez} Facing Cardinal Direction Variable: {facing} Related: {facing_short} Facing Toward Axis Variable: {facing_towards_pn_word}, {facing_towards_xz} Related: {facing_towards_pn_sign} Yaw and Pitch Variable: {yaw}, {pitch} Light Level Variable: {light} Sky Light Level Variable: {light_sky} Block Light Level Variable: {light_block} CHS (Client) Variable: {chs} CHM (Client) Variable: {shm} SHS (Server) Variable: {shs} SHO (Server) Variable: {sho} SHM (Server) Variable: {shm} SHML (Server) Variable: {shml} Biome ID Variable: {biome_id} Related: {biome} Local Difficulty and Clamped Local Difficulty Variable: {local_difficulty}, {clamped_local_difficulty} Minecraft Day Variable: {day} Noise Router: Temperature Variable: {nr_temp}, {noise_temperature} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Vegetation Variable: {nr_veg}, {noise_vegetation} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Continents Variable: {nr_cont}, {noise_continents} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Erosion Variable: {nr_erosion}, {noise_erosion} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Depth Variable: {nr_depth}, {noise_depth} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Ridges Variable: {nr_ridges}, {noise_ridges} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Peaks and Valleys Variable: {nr_peaks}, {noise_peaks} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Initial Density Variable: {nr_init}, {noise_init_density} Related: {has_noise} Noise Router: Final Density Variable: {nr_final}, {noise_final_density} Related: {has_noise} Biome Builder: Peaks Variable: {bb_peaks}, {biome_builder_peaks} Related: {has_noise} Biome Builder: Continents Variable: {bb_cont}, {biome_builder_continents} Related: {has_noise} Biome Builder: Erosion Variable: {bb_erosion}, {biome_builder_erosion} Related: {has_noise} Biome Builder: Temperature Variable: {bb_temp}, {biome_builder_temperature} Related: {has_noise} Biome Builder: Vegetation Variable: {bb_veg}, {biome_builder_vegetation} Related: {has_noise} Spawn Chunks Variable: {sc} Mob Count: Monsters Variable: {monsters} Mob Count: Creatures Variable: {creatures} Mob Count: Ambient Variable: {ambient_mobs} Mob Count: Axolotls Variable: {axolotls} Mob Count: Underground Water Creature Variable: {underground_water_creatures} Mob Count: Water Creatures Variable: {water_creatures} Mob Count: Water Ambient Variable: {water_ambient_mobs} Mob Count: Miscellaneous Variable: {misc_mobs} Streaming Sounds Variable: {sounds}, {max_sounds} Examples: Placing/Breaking Blocks, Walking, etc Static Sounds (Ambient Sounds) Variable: {static_sounds}, {max_static_sounds} Mood How close the player is to the next mood ambience sound being played Variable: {mood} Java Version Variable: {java_version} Java 32bit or 64bit Variable: {java_bit} Memory Used Percentage Variable: {memory_used_percentage} Memory Used Variable: {memory_used} Memory Total Variable: {memory_total} Memory Allocated Percentage Variable: {memory_allocated_percentage} Memory Allocated Variable: {memory_allocated} CPU Name Variable: {cpu_name} Window Width and Height Variable: {display_width}, {display_height} GPU Name Variable: {gpu_name} Target Block X,Y,X Variable: {tbx}, {tby}, {tbz} Target Block ID Variable: {target_block_id} Related: {target_block} Target Fluid X,Y,X Variable: {tfx}, {tfy}, {tfz} Target Fluid ID Variable: {target_fluid_id} Related: {target_fluid}

What Each Column Means

Column Meaning
VariableWhat you type in the profile document to get the value. If you're not sure what that means, check out the Getting Started page
DescriptionThis is what the variable will produce
Number ValueThe variable's numerical value, used in Conditionals. If you aren't using Conditionals, you can ignore this column
Boolean ValuesThe variable's true/false value, used in Conditionals. If you aren't using Conditionals, you can ignore this column
FlagsFlags allow you to customize the variable's output. Variables that support flags contain a link to what flags are available for it

What New v3.3

[58] Variables added in v3.3

Performance (TPS Singleplayer Only)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{fps_avg} Average fps avg fps true Precision & Scale
{fps_min} Minimum fps min fps true
{fps_max} Maximum fps max fps true
{fps_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables
Same as {frame_samples}
number of samples true
{tps_avg} Average tps avg tps true Precision & Scale
{tps_min} Minimum tps min tps true
{tps_max} Maximum tps max tps true
{tps_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{sprint_held} Is the player is holding the sprint key or if sprint is toggled? 1 (key down)
0 (key not down)
true (key down)
false (key not down)
{flying} Is the player flying? 1 (flying)
0 (not flying)
true (flying)
false (not flying)


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{tab_open} / {player_list_open} Is the player list open? 1 (player list open)
0 (not open)
true (player list open)
false (not open)
{chat_open} Is the chat open? 1 (chat open)
0 (not open)
true (chat open)
false (not open)
{screen_open} Is there a screen open? 1 (a screen is open)
0 (no screen open)
true (a screen is open)
false (no screen open)
{gamemode} Which gamemode the player is in:
survival, creative, adventure, spectator
0 (survival)
1 (creative)
2 (adventure)
3 (spectator)
true None
{survival} If the player is in survival mode 0 (in gamemode)
1 (not in gamemode)
true (in gamemode)
false (not in gamemode)
{creative} If the player is in creative mode
{adventure} If the player is in adventure mode
{spectator} If the player is in spectator mode

Music / Sound

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{music_id} The ID of the background music length of output if there's background music playing String
{music_name} The name of the background music length of output if there's background music playing String
{music_playing} If there's background music playing 1 (playing)
0 (not playing)
true (playing)
false (not playing)
{record_icon} Display's the item texture for the record playing the record's item's raw ID if there is an item for the current
record playing
Icon & Scale
{record_id} The ID of the current record playing length of output if there's a record playing String
{record_name} The name of the current record playing length of output if there's a record playing String
{record_playing} If there's a record playing 1 (playing)
0 (not playing)
true (playing)
false (not playing)
{record_length} How long the current playing record is, in seconds the length if there's a record playing Precision & Scale
How far into the current playing
record the playback of it is, as a percentage
the percentage if percentage > 0 Precision & Scale
{record_elapsed} How many seconds into the record the playback of it is the time elapsed id time elapsed > 0 Precision & Scale
{record_remaining} How many seconds left until the record's playback is finished the time remaining if time remaining > 0 Precision & Scale

Status Bars

Variable Description / Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{health} / {hp} How much health the player has (including absorption) health > 0 Precision & Scale
{max_health} / {max_hp} The maximum health the player can have (not including absorption) max health > 0
{health_per} / {hp_per}
How much health the player has, as a percentage (can go over 100% with absorption) health > 0
{food} / {hunger} How much hunger/food the player has food/hunger > 0
{food_per} / {hunger_per} How much hunger/food the player has, as a percentage food/hunger > 0
{saturation} How much saturation the player has saturation > 0
How much saturation the player has, as a percentage saturation > 0
{armor} How much armor the player has armor > 0
{armor_per} / {armor_percentage} How much armor the player has, as a percentage armor > 0
{air} How much air the player has air > 0
{air_per} / {air_percentage} How much air the player has, as a percentage air > 0
{xp_level} How many XP levels the player has xp level > 0
{xp} How many XP points the player has xp points > 0
{xp_needed} How much XP points the player needs to get to the next XP level true
{xp_per} / {xp_percentage} The progress of XP points to get to the next level xp points > 0

Noise Router (in Environment)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{has_noise} If the world generation uses noise for generation 1 (has noise)
0 (doesn't)
true (has noise)
false (doesn't)
{nr_temp} / {noise_temperature} The temperature valuesampled at the player's location has noise Precision & Scale
{nr_veg} / {noise_vegetation} The vegetation/humidity value sampled at the player's location
{nr_cont} / {noise_continents} The continentalness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_erosion} / {noise_erosion} The erosion value sampled at the player's location
{nr_depth} / {noise_depth} The depth value sampled at the player's location
{nr_ridges} / {noise_ridges} The ridges/weirdness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_peaks} / {noise_peaks} The peaks and valleys value calculated at the player's location
{nr_init} / {noise_init_density} The initial density without jaggedness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_final} / {noise_final_density} The final density value sampled at the player's location

Biome Builder (in Environment)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{bb_peaks} / {biome_builder_peaks} The categorized value of the peaks and valleys value
calculated at the player's location
has noise String
{bb_cont} / {biome_builder_continents} The categorized value of the continentalness value
sampled at the player's location
{bb_erosion} / {biome_builder_erosion} The categorized value of the erosion value
sampled at the player's location
has noise Precision & Scale
{bb_temp} / {biome_builder_temperature} The categorized value of the temperature value
sampled at the player's location
{bb_veg} / {biome_builder_vegetation} The categorized value of the vegetation/humidity value
sampled at the player's location

What New v3.2

[13] Variables added in v3.2

Performance (All Singleplayer Only)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{tick_ms_avg} Average tick time in milliseconds avg tick time true Precision & Scale
{tick_ms_min} Minimum tick time in milliseconds min tick time true
{tick_ms_max} Maximum tick time in milliseconds max tick time true
{tick_ms_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

Server / World (Packet Size: Multiplayer Only)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{latency} The latency of your connection to the server the latency if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{ping_avg} Average ping in milliseconds avg ping true Precision & Scale
{ping_min} Minimum ping milliseconds min ping true
{ping_max} Maximum ping in milliseconds max ping true
{ping_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true
{packet_size_avg} Average packet size in milliseconds avg packet size true Precision & Scale
{packet_size_min} Minimum packet size milliseconds min packet size true
{packet_size_max} Maximum packet size in milliseconds max packet size true
{packet_size_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

What New and Depreciated v3.1

[33] Variables added in v3.1


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{space:<pixels>} Can be used to add space without spamming space 0 false Precision & Scale
{name} / {display_name} The name of the player as seen in chat and tab length of name length of name > 0 String
{username} The username of the player length of name length of name > 0 String
{uuid} The uuid of the player 36 true String
{reach} / {reach_distance} How far the player can reach how far in blocks true Precision & Scale

Server / World

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{world} / {world_name} The name of the singleplayer world the player is in the length of the name length of the name > 0 String
{server_name} The name of the server (as written in the server entry) the player is in the length of the name length of the name > 0 String
{server_address} / {ip} New aliases for {address}
The address (as written in the address field) of the server
length of the address length of the address > 0 String


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{item:<slot>:count} Show the amount of the item in <slot> the count if the durability is greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{item:<slot>:max_count} Show the max stack size of the item in <slot> the maximum stack size if the item is stackable Precision & Scale

Light, Time, and Environment

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{light_sun} The light level from the sky, taking into account time and weather if can get info Precision & Scale
{time} / {solar_time} Time in ticks between 0 - 24000 (1 mc day) the time in ticks if not exactly 0 Precision & Scale
{lunar_time} Time in ticks between 0 - 192000 (8 mc days) the time in ticks if not exactly 0 Precision & Scale
{snowing} If it's snowing 1 (snowing)
0 (not snowing)
true (snowing)
false (not snowing)

Target Block/Fluid/Entity

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{tbd} / {target_distance}
How many blocks away is
the block the player's looking at
z coordinate if the player is looking at a block Precision & Scale
{tfd} / {target_fluid_distance} How many blocks away is
the fluid the player's looking at
z coordinate if the player is looking at a fluid Precision & Scale
{ted} / {target_entity_distance} How many blocks away is
the block the player's looking at
z coordinate if the player is looking at an entity Precision & Scale
{ten} / {target_entity_name} The name of the entity the player's looking at
(Ex: Notch, Fluffy)
[Added in v3.1]
length of output String
{teu} / {target_entity_uuid} The uuid of the entity the player's looking at
[Added in v3.1]
length of output String

Fishing Rod

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{fishing_is_cast} If the fishing rod is cast 1 (is cast)
0 (isn't cast)
true (is cast)
false (isn't cast)
{fishing_is_hooked} If the fishing rod is hooked into an entity 1 (is hooked)
0 (isn't hooked)
true (is hooked)
false (isn't hooked)
{fishing_has_caught} If a fish, treasure, or junk is currently hooked and the bobber is bobbing 1 (has caught)
0 (hasn't caught)
true (has caught)
false (hasn't caught)
{fishing_in_open_water} If the bobber is in open water
(a 5x4x5 area of water/air/lilly, needed to get treasure)
1 (in open water)
0 (not in open water)
true (in open water)
false (not in open water)
{fishing_hook_distance} How far away the bobber is from you distance away if cast Precision & Scale
{he} / {hooked_entity} The type of the entity hooked by the fishing rod
(Ex: Pig, Player)
length of output if the rod is hooked into an entity String
{hei} / {hooked_entity_id} The id of the entity hooked by the fishing rod length of output String
{hen} / {hooked_entity_name} The name of the entity hooked by the fishing rod
(Ex: Notch, Fluffy)
length of output String
{heu} / {hooked_entity_uuid} The uuid of the entity hooked by the fishing rod length of output String
{hex} / {hooked_entity_x} The x coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod x coordinate Precision & Scale
{hey} / {hooked_entity_y} The y coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod y coordinate Precision & Scale
{hez} / {hooked_entity_z} The z coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod z coordinate Precision & Scale
{hed} / {hooked_entity_distance} How many blocks away the entity hooked by the fishing rod is distance in blocks Precision & Scale

[2] Variables depreciated v3.1 (will be removed in a later version)

Light Variables

Variable Description Reason
{server_light_sky} The light level from the sky, doesn't take into account time and weather Since the client can only get the server light level in singleplayer,
the chances that the server and client light levels don't agree are pretty much none
{server_light_block} The light level from blocks
(reported by the server)

What New and Depreciated v3.0

[27] Variables added in v3.0


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{icon:<item_id>} Shows the given item raw item id true Icon & Scale
Shows the value of the specified mc setting
(like render distance, graphics settings, clouds, vsync, etc)
length of output (1) true String
{facing_short} The cardinal direction the player is facing, but shorter
(N, S, E, W)
length of output (1) true String
{sprinting} Is the player sprinting? 1 (sprinting)
0 (not sprinting)
true (sprinting)
false (not sprinting)
{sneaking} Is the player sneaking? 1 (sneaking)
0 (not sneaking)
true (sneaking)
false (not sneaking)
{swimming} Is the player swimming? 1 (swimming)
0 (not swimming)
true (swimming)
false (not swimming)
{on_ground} Is the player on the ground? 1 (on the ground)
0 (not on the ground)
true (on the ground)
false (not on the ground)
How many times you left‑clicked in the previous second number of left‑clicks if the player left‑clicked in the last second Precision & Scale
How many times you right‑clicked in the previous second number of right‑clicks if the player right‑clicked in the last second Precision & Scale
{gizmo} Shows the F3 Crosshair/Gizmo 0 true Icon & Scale
{second} In Minecraft’s time scale the second true Precision & Scale
{singleplayer} If the player is in a singleplayer world 1 (in singleplayer)
0 (in multiplayer)
true (in singleplayer)
false (in multiplayer)
{multiplayer} If the player is in a multiplayer server 1 (in multiplayer)
0 (in singleplayer)
true (in multiplayer)
false (in singleplayer)
{raining} If it's raining/snowing 1 (raining/snowing)
0 (not raining/snowing)
true (raining/snowing)
false (not raining/snowing)
{thundering} If there's a thunderstorm 1 (thundering)
0 (not thundering)
true (thundering)
false (not thundering)

Item Variables

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{itemcount:<item>} Show how many of <item> is in the player's inventory number of items if that item is in the player's inventory None
{item:<slot>} Show the name of the item in <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> String
{item:<slot>:icon} Show the item as an icon <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> Icon, Slot-Icon, & Scale
{item:<slot>:id} Show the id of the item in <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> String
{item:<slot>:name} Show the display name of the item in <slot>
Like items named in an anvil
length of the name if the item has a custom name String
Show the current durability of the item in <slot> the durability if the durability is greater than 0 None
Show the max durability of the item in <slot> the maximum durability if the item can have durability None
Show how much durability the item in <slot> has left the durability as a percentage if the item can have durability Precision

Frame Times (in milliseconds)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{frame_ms_avg} Average frame time in milliseconds avg frame time true Precision & Scale
{frame_ms_min} Minimum frame time in milliseconds min frame time true Precision & Scale
{frame_ms_max} Maximum frame time in milliseconds max frame time true Precision & Scale
{frame_ms_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true Precision & Scale

[19] Variables depreciated v3.0 (will be removed in a later version)

Item Variables

Variable Description Reason
{item} Name of item in player's main hand Replaced by the new Item Variables
{item_id} Id of item in player's main hand
Durability of item in player's main hand
Max durability of item in player's main hand
Percentage of durability left of item in player's main hand
If the item in the player's main hand can have durability
Name of item in player's offhand Replaced by the new Item Variables
Id of item in player's offhand
Durability of item in player's offhand
Max durability of item in player's offhand
Percentage of durability left of item in player's offhand
If the item in the player's offhand can have durability

Client Settings

Variable Description Reason
{max_fps} Fps Limit set in the settings.
"-" if set to max
Replaced by the new Settings Variable
{vsync} If vsync is enabled or not
{graphics_mode} Graphics Quality (Fast, Fancy, or Fabulous)
{clouds} Cloud Quality (Off, Fast, Fancy)
{biome_blend} The player's biome blend setting
{render_distance} The player’s render distance setting
{sd} / {simulation_distance} Simulation Distance set in the settings


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{fps} Frames per Second the fps true Precision & Scale
{tps} How many ticks happen every second.
Maxes out at 20
- Singleplayer Only
the millisecond it takes for a tick if it can get the value
(aka you're in singleplayer)
{ms_ticks} The time it takes for a tick in milliseconds
- Singleplayer Only
the millisecond it takes for a tick if it can get the value
(aka you're in singleplayer)
Avg/Min/Max: FPS, Frame Time (ms), TPS, and Tick Time (ms)

Frame Time

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{frame_ms_avg} Average frame time in milliseconds avg frame time true Precision & Scale
{frame_ms_min} Minimum frame time in milliseconds min frame time true
{frame_ms_max} Maximum frame time in milliseconds max frame time true
{frame_ms_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

FPS (Added in v3.3)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{fps_avg} Average fps avg fps true Precision & Scale
{fps_min} Minimum fps min fps true
{fps_max} Maximum fps max fps true
{fps_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables
Same as {frame_samples}
number of samples true

Tick Time (Singleplayer Only, Added in v3.2)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{tick_ms_avg} Average tick time in milliseconds avg tick time true Precision & Scale
{tick_ms_min} Minimum tick time in milliseconds min tick time true
{tick_ms_max} Maximum tick time in milliseconds max tick time true
{tick_ms_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

TPS (Singleplayer Only, Added in v3.3)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{tps_avg} Average tps avg tps true Precision & Scale
{tps_min} Minimum tps min tps true
{tps_max} Maximum tps max tps true
{tps_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

Server / World

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{world} / {world_name} The name of the singleplayer world the player is in
- Singleplayer Only
[Added in v3.1]
the length of the name length of the name > 0 String
{server_name} The name of the server (as written in the server entry) the player is in
- Multiplayer Only
[Added in v3.1]
the length of the name length of the name > 0 String
{address} The address (as written in the address field) of the server
- Multiplayer Only
length of the address length of the address > 0 String
{server_address} / {ip}
[Added in v3.1]
{ping} The ping to the server the ping if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
[Added in v3.2]
The latency of your connection to the server the latency if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
Number of packets sent by the client to the server number of packets true Precision & Scale
Number of packets received by the client from the server number of packets true Precision & Scale
Min/Max/Avg Ping and Packet Size

Ping (Added in v3.2)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{ping_avg} Average ping in milliseconds avg ping true Precision & Scale
{ping_min} Minimum ping milliseconds min ping true
{ping_max} Maximum ping in milliseconds max ping true
{ping_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true

Packet Size (Multiplayer Only, Added in v3.2)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{packet_size_avg} Average packet size in milliseconds avg packet size true Precision & Scale
{packet_size_min} Minimum packet size milliseconds min packet size true
{packet_size_max} Maximum packet size in milliseconds max packet size true
{packet_size_samples} Number of samples used for the above 3 variables number of samples true


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
Retrieve a stat value saved in the stat if value > 0 Formatted
{icon:<item_id>} Shows the given item raw item id true Icon & Scale
Shows the given texture 0 true Icon & Scale
Shows the value of the specified mc setting
(like render distance, graphics settings, clouds, vsync, etc)
length of output (1) true String
{space:<pixels>} Can be used to add space without spamming space
[Added in v3.1]
0 false Precision & Scale
How many times you left‑clicked in the previous second number of left‑clicks if the player left‑clicked in the last second Precision & Scale
How many times you right‑clicked in the previous second number of right‑clicks if the player right‑clicked in the last second Precision & Scale
{reach} / {reach_distance} How far the player can reach
[Added in v3.1]
how far in blocks true Precision & Scale
{gizmo} Shows the F3 Crosshair/Gizmo 0 false Icon & Scale
{name} / {display_name} The name of the player as seen in chat and tab
[Added in v3.1]
length of name length of name > 0 String
{username} The username of the player
[Added in v3.1]
length of name length of name > 0 String
{uuid} The uuid of the player
[Added in v3.1]
36 true String
{version} The minecraft version. (Ex: 1.16.2, 20w34a) length of output length of output > 0 String
{client_version} Game Version: (probably fabric) length of output length of output > 0 String
{modded_name} Client Brand Name: (probably Fabric) length of output length of output > 0 String
{p} / {particles} Number of particles visible or loaded (not sure) number of particles if more than 0 particles Precision & Scale
{tab_open} / {player_list_open} Is the player list open?
[Added in v3.3]
1 (player list open)
0 (not open)
true (player list open)
false (not open)
{chat_open} Is the chat open?
[Added in v3.3]
1 (chat open)
0 (not open)
true (chat open)
false (not open)
{screen_open} Is there a screen open?
[Added in v3.3]
1 (a screen is open)
0 (no screen open)
true (a screen is open)
false (no screen open)
Gamemode Variables [Added in v3.3]
{gamemode} Which gamemode the player is in:
survival, creative, adventure, spectator
0 (survival)
1 (creative)
2 (adventure)
3 (spectator)
true None
{survival} If the player is in survival mode 0 (in that gamemode)
1 (not in that gamemode)
true (in that gamemode)
false (not in that gamemode)
{creative} If the player is in creative mode
{adventure} If the player is in adventure mode
{spectator} If the player is in spectator mode
{moon_phase} The phase of the moon (1-8) the moon phase true Precision & Scale
{moon_phase_word} The phase of the moon in words length of output true String
{mods} The amount of mods installed mods installed true Precision & Scale


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{x} The player’s x coordinate
Ex: 320.153
x coordinate true Precision & Scale
{y} The player’s y coordinate
Ex: 80.459
y coordinate true Precision & Scale
{z} The player’s z coordinate
Ex: 1200.963
z coordinate true Precision & Scale
{bx} / {block_x} The x coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at.
Ex: 320
x coordinate true Precision & Scale
{by} / {block_y} The y coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at.
Ex: 80
y coordinate true Precision & Scale
{bz} / {block_z} The z coordinate of the block the player’s feet is at.
Ex: 1200
z coordinate true Precision & Scale
{nx} / {nether_x} The nether equivalent of the player's x coordinate. (Overworld equivalent if in nether)
Neither is 1/8 scale
nether x coordinate true Precision & Scale
{nz} / {nether_z} The nether equivalent of the player's z coordinate. (Overworld equivalent if in nether)
Neither is 1/8 scale
nether z coordinate true Precision & Scale
{icx} / {in_chunk_x} The player’s x coordinate inside the chunk
(between 0-15)
in chunk x true Precision & Scale
{icy} / {in_chunk_y} The player’s y coordinate inside the chunk
(between 0-15)
in chunk y true Precision & Scale
{icz} / {in_chunk_z} The player’s z coordinate inside the chunk
(between 0-15)
in chunk z true Precision & Scale
{cx} / {chunk_x} The chunk’s x coordinate
(goes up by 1 every 16 blocks in the x direction)
chunk x true Precision & Scale
{cy} / {chunk_y} The chunk’s y coordinate
(goes up by 1 every 16 blocks in the y direction)
chunk y true Precision & Scale
{cz} / {chunk_z} The chunk’s z coordinate
(goes up by 1 every 16 blocks in the z direction)
chunk z true Precision & Scale
{rex} / {region_x} Region X the x if x > 0 Precision & Scale
{rez} / {region_z} Region Z the z if z > 0 Precision & Scale
{rrx} / {region_relative_x} Region Relative X the x if x > 0 Precision & Scale
{rrz} / {region_relative_z} Regixon Relative Z the z if z > 0 Precision & Scale


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{facing} The cardinal direction the player is facing.
(north, south, east, west)
length of output true String
{facing_short} The cardinal direction the player is facing, but shorter
(N, S, E, W)
length of output (1) true String
If the player is looking at the positive or negative direction of the axis
Word: positive negative
Sign: + -
0 (negative)
1 (positive)
if facing a positive direction (east/south) String
{facing_towards_xz} Which horizontal axis the player is facing
(x or z)
length of output true String
{yaw} The yaw rotation of the player the yaw if the yaw is positive Precision & Scale
{pitch} The pitch rotation of the player the pitch if the pitch is positive Precision & Scale


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{velocity_xz} Horizontal (XZ) velocity in blocks per second the velocity if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{velocity_y} Vertical (Y) velocity in blocks per second
{velocity_xyz} Total (XYZ) velocity in blocks per second
{velocity_xz_kmh} Horizontal (XZ) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h)
{velocity_y_kmh} Vertical (Y) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h)
{velocity_xyz_kmh} Total (XYZ) velocity in kilometers per hour (km/h)
{sprint_held} Is the player is holding the sprint key or if sprint is toggled?
[Added in v3.3]
1 (key down)
0 (key not down)
true (key down)
false (key not down)
{sprinting} Is the player sprinting? 1 (sprinting)
0 (not sprinting)
true (sprinting)
false (not sprinting)
{sneaking} Is the player sneaking? 1 (sneaking)
0 (not sneaking)
true (sneaking)
false (not sneaking)
{swimming} Is the player swimming? 1 (swimming)
0 (not swimming)
true (swimming)
false (not swimming)
{flying} Is the player flying?
[Added in v3.3]
1 (flying)
0 (not flying)
true (flying)
false (not flying)
{on_ground} Is the player on the ground? 1 (on the ground)
0 (not on the ground)
true (on the ground)
false (not on the ground)


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{biome} The biome the player is in.
Ex: “Plains", “Desert”
length of output length of output > 0 String
{biome_id} The id of the biome the player is in.
Ex: “minecraft:plains”, “minecraft:desert”
{dimension} The dimention the player is in.
Ex: “Overworld”, “The Nether”, "The End"
{dimension_id} The id of the dimension the player is in.
Ex: “minecraft:overworld”, “minecraft:the_nether”
{overworld} If the player is in the Overworld 1 (in overworld)
0 (not in overworld)
true (in overworld)
false (not in overworld)
{nether} If the player is in the Nether 1 (in nether)
0 (not in nether)
true (in nether)
false (not in nether)
{end} If the player is in the End 1 (in end)
0 (not in end)
true (in end)
false (not in end)
{raining} If it's raining/snowing 1 (raining/snowing)
0 (not raining/snowing)
true (raining/snowing)
false (not raining/snowing)
{thundering} If there's a thunderstorm 1 (thundering)
0 (not thundering)
true (thundering)
false (not thundering)
{snowing} If it's snowing
[Added in v3.1]
1 (snowing)
0 (not snowing)
true (snowing)
false (not snowing)
{singleplayer} If the player is in a singleplayer world 1 (in singleplayer)
0 (in multiplayer)
true (in singleplayer)
false (in multiplayer)
{multiplayer} If the player is in a multiplayer server 1 (in multiplayer)
0 (in singleplayer)
true (in multiplayer)
false (in singleplayer)
Noise Router & Biome builder

Noise Router (Added in v3.3)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{has_noise} If the world generation uses noise for generation 1 (has noise)
0 (doesn't)
true (has noise)
false (doesn't)
{nr_temp} / {noise_temperature} The temperature valuesampled at the player's location has noise Precision & Scale
{nr_veg} / {noise_vegetation} The vegetation/humidity value sampled at the player's location
{nr_cont} / {noise_continents} The continentalness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_erosion} / {noise_erosion} The erosion value sampled at the player's location
{nr_depth} / {noise_depth} The depth value sampled at the player's location
{nr_ridges} / {noise_ridges} The ridges/weirdness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_peaks} / {noise_peaks} The peaks and valleys value calculated at the player's location
{nr_init} / {noise_init_density} The initial density without jaggedness value sampled at the player's location
{nr_final} / {noise_final_density} The final density value sampled at the player's location

Biome Builder (Added in v3.3)

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{bb_peaks} / {biome_builder_peaks} The categorized value of the peaks and valleys value
calculated at the player's location
has noise String
{bb_cont} / {biome_builder_continents} The categorized value of the continentalness value
sampled at the player's location
{bb_erosion} / {biome_builder_erosion} The categorized value of the erosion value
sampled at the player's location
has noise Precision & Scale
{bb_temp} / {biome_builder_temperature} The categorized value of the temperature value
sampled at the player's location
{bb_veg} / {biome_builder_vegetation} The categorized value of the vegetation/humidity value
sampled at the player's location


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{entities_rendered} Number of entities being rendered number of entities if more than 0 entities Precision & Scale
{entities_loaded} Total entities in the loaded area
{monsters} Total amount of monsters in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{creatures} The total amount of creatures in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{ambient_mobs} The total amount of ambient mobs in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{axolotls} The total amount of axolotls in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{underground_water_creatures} The total amount of underground water creature mobs in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{water_creatures} The total amount of water creatures in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{water_ambient_mobs} The total amount of ambient water mobs in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only
{misc_mobs} The total amount of miscellaneous mobs in the loaded chunks
Singleplayer Only

Day and Time

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{day} The number of in-game days the player has been in the world number of days true Precision & Scale
{hour} / {hour12} In Minecraft’s time scale the hour true Precision & Scale
{hour24} In Minecraft’s time scale the hour true Precision & Scale
{minute} In Minecraft’s time scale the minute true Precision & Scale
{seconds} In Minecraft’s time scale the minute true Precision & Scale
{am_pm} In Minecraft’s time scale 2 true String
{time} / {solar_time} Time in ticks between 0 - 24000 (1 mc day)
[Added in v3.1]
the time in ticks if not exactly 0 Precision & Scale
{lunar_time} Time in ticks between 0 - 192000 (8 mc days)
[Added in v3.1]
the time in ticks if not exactly 0 Precision & Scale
{real_time:<time_format>} Displays the irl time, based on the format given.
For formatting look here
length of output length of output > 0 v3.0-v3.2: String
v3.3: None

Difficulty and Light Levels

Variable Description / Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{local_difficulty} The difficulty of the chunk the player is in true Precision & Scale
{clamped_local_difficulty} The difficulty of the chunk the player is in
true Precision & Scale
{light} The total light level of where the player is. if can get info Precision & Scale
{light_sky} The light level from the sky, doesn't take into account time and weather if can get info Precision & Scale
{light_sun} The light level from the sky, taking into account time and weather if can get info Precision & Scale
{light_block} The light level from blocks if can get info Precision & Scale

Chunk Related Stuff

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{chunks_rendered} Number of chunks being rendered number of chunks true Precision & Scale
{chunks_loaded} Number of chunks in the loaded area number of chunks true
{chunks_culling} If Chunk culling is on 0 (off)
1 (on)
if chunk culling is on
{slime_chunk} If the chunk is a slime chunk
Singleplayer Only
0 (false)
1 (true)
if chunk is slime chunk
Number of forced loaded chunks number of chunks number of chunks > 0
The total amount of spawn chunks in the world (usually 289). number of spawn chunks if greater than 0

Music / Sounds

Variable Description / Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{sounds} / {streaming_sounds} The number of streaming sounds currently playing (like breaking/placing blocks) if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{max_sounds} / {max_streaming_sounds} The max amount of streaming sounds that can play at once
{static_sounds} The number of static sounds currently playing (ambient sounds)
{max_static_sounds} The max amount of static sounds that can play at once
{mood} How close the player is to the next mood ambience sound being played

Music and Record Variables Added in v3.3

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{music_id} The ID of the background music length of output if there's background music playing String
{music_name} The name of the background music length of output if there's background music playing String
{music_playing} If there's background music playing 1 (playing)
0 (not playing)
true (playing)
false (not playing)
{record_icon} Display's the item texture for the record playing the record's item's raw ID if there is an item for the current
record playing
Icon & Scale
{record_id} The ID of the current record playing length of output if there's a record playing String
{record_name} The name of the current record playing length of output if there's a record playing String
{record_playing} If there's a record playing 1 (playing)
0 (not playing)
true (playing)
false (not playing)
{record_length} How long the current playing record is, in seconds the length if there's a record playing Precision & Scale
How far into the current playing
record the playback of it is, as a percentage
the percentage if percentage > 0 Precision & Scale
{record_elapsed} How many seconds into the record the playback of it is the time elapsed id time elapsed > 0 Precision & Scale
{record_remaining} How many seconds left until the record's playback is finished the time remaining if time remaining > 0 Precision & Scale

Target Block/Fluid/Entity

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{target_block} The name of the block the player's looking at length of output if the player is looking at a block String
{target_block_id} The id of the block the player's looking at length of output String
{tbx} / {target_x} / {target_block_x} The x coordinate of
the block the player’s looking at
x coordinate Precision & Scale
{tby} / {target_y} / {target_block_y} The y coordinate of
the block the player’s looking at
y coordinate Precision & Scale
{tbz} / {target_z} / {target_block_z} The z coordinate of
the block the player’s looking at
z coordinate Precision & Scale
{tbd} / {target_distance} / {target_block_distance} How many blocks away is
the block the player's looking at
[Added in v3.1]
distance in blocks Precision & Scale
{target_fluid} The name of the fluid the player's looking at length of output if the player is looking at a fluid String
{target_fluid_id} The id of the fluid the player's looking at length of output String
{tfx} / {target_fluid_x} The x coordinate of
the fluid the player’s looking at
x coordinate Precision & Scale
{tfy} / {target_fluid_y} The y coordinate of
the fluid the player’s looking at
y coordinate Precision & Scale
{tfz} / {target_fluid_z} The z coordinate of
the fluid the player’s looking at
z coordinate Precision & Scale
{tfd} / {target_fluid_distance} How many blocks away is
the fluid the player's looking at
[Added in v3.1]
distance in blocks Precision & Scale
{te} / {target_entity} The type of the entity the player's looking at
(Ex: Pig, Player)
length of output if the player is looking at a entity String
{tei} / {target_entity_id} The id of the entity the player's looking at length of output String
{ten} / {target_entity_name} The name of the entity the player's looking at
(Ex: Notch, Fluffy)
[Added in v3.1]
length of output String
{teu} / {target_entity_uuid} The uuid of the entity the player's looking at
[Added in v3.1]
length of output String
{tex} / {target_entity_x} The x coordinate of
the entity the player’s looking at
x coordinate Precision & Scale
{tey} / {target_entity_y} The y coordinate of
the entity the player’s looking at
y coordinate Precision & Scale
{tez} / {target_entity_z} The z coordinate of
the entity the player’s looking at
z coordinate Precision & Scale
{ted} / {target_entity_distance} How many blocks away is
the block the player's looking at
[Added in v3.1]
distance in blocks Precision & Scale

Status Bars [Added in v3.3]

Variable Description / Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{health} / {hp} How much health the player has (including absorption) health > 0 Precision & Scale
{max_health} / {max_hp} The maximum health the player can have (not including absorption) max health > 0
{health_per} / {hp_per}
How much health the player has, as a percentage (can go over 100% with absolution) health > 0
{food} / {hunger} How much hunger/food the player has (max 20) food/hunger > 0
{food_per} / {hunger_per} How much hunger/food the player has, as a percentage food/hunger > 0
{saturation} How much saturation the player has (max 20)
Inaccurate in multiplayer unless the server has a mod like AppleSkin
saturation > 0
How much saturation the player has, as a percentage saturation > 0
{armor} How much armor the player has (max 20) armor > 0
{armor_per} / {armor_percentage} How much armor the player has, as a percentage armor > 0
{air} How much air the player has (max 20) air > 0
{air_per} / {air_percentage} How much air the player has, as a percentage air > 0
{xp_level} How many XP levels the player has xp level > 0
{xp} How many XP points the player has xp points > 0
{xp_needed} How much XP points the player needs to get to the next XP level true
{xp_per} / {xp_percentage} The progress of XP points to get to the next level xp points > 0


Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{itemcount:<item>} Show how many of <item> is in the player's inventory number of items if that item is in the player's inventory Precision & Scale
{item:<slot>} Show the name of the item in <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> String
{item:<slot>:icon} Show the item as an icon <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> Icon, Slot-Icon, & Scale
{item:<slot>:id} Show the id of the item in <slot> raw numeric id if there's an item in that <slot> String
{item:<slot>:name} Show the display name of the item in <slot>
Like items named in an anvil
length of the name if the item has a custom name String
Show the current durability of the item in <slot> the durability if the durability is greater than 0 Precision & Scale
Show the max durability of the item in <slot> the maximum durability if the item can have durability Precision & Scale
Show how much durability the item in <slot> has left the durability as a percentage if the item can have durability Precision
{item:<slot>:count} Show the amount of the item in <slot>
[Added in v3.1]
the count if the durability is greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{item:<slot>:max_count} Show the max stack size of the item in <slot>
[Added in v3.1]
the maximum stack size if the item is stackable Precision & Scale
{slots_used} The amount of slots in the player inventory with items in it
[Added in v3.3]
number of slots if there's at least 1 slot Precision & Scale
{slots_empty} The amount of slots in the player inventory without items in it
[Added in v3.3]
number of slots if there's at least 1 slot Precision & Scale
{slots_per} / {slots_percentage} The amount of slots in the player inventory with items in it as a percentage
[Added in v3.3]
number of slots if there's at least 1 slot Precision & Scale

Fishing Rod [Added in v3.1]

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{fishing_is_cast} If the fishing rod is cast 1 (is cast)
0 (isn't cast)
true (is cast)
false (isn't cast)
{fishing_is_hooked} If the fishing rod is hooked into an entity 1 (is hooked)
0 (isn't hooked)
true (is hooked)
false (isn't hooked)
{fishing_has_caught} If a fish, treasure, or junk is currently hooked and the bobber is bobbing 1 (has caught)
0 (hasn't caught)
true (has caught)
false (hasn't caught)
{fishing_in_open_water} If the bobber is in open water
(a 5x4x5 area of water/air/lilly, needed to get treasure)
1 (not in open water)
0 (not in open water)
true (not in open water)
false (not in open water)
{fishing_hook_distance} How far away the bobber is from you distance away if cast Precision & Scale
{he} / {hooked_entity} The type of the entity hooked by the fishing rod
(Ex: Pig, Player)
length of output if the rod is hooked into an entity String
{hei} / {hooked_entity_id} The id of the entity hooked by the fishing rod length of output String
{hen} / {hooked_entity_name} The name of the entity hooked by the fishing rod
(Ex: Notch, Fluffy)
length of output String
{heu} / {hooked_entity_uuid} The uuid of the entity hooked by the fishing rod length of output String
{hex} / {hooked_entity_x} The x coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod x coordinate Precision & Scale
{hey} / {hooked_entity_y} The y coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod y coordinate Precision & Scale
{hez} / {hooked_entity_z} The z coordinate of the entity hooked by the fishing rod z coordinate Precision & Scale
{hed} / {hooked_entity_distance} How many blocks away the entity hooked by the fishing rod is distance in blocks Precision & Scale

PC Utilization

Variable Description / Number value Boolean Value Flags
{cpu} / {cpu_usage} CPU Usage true Precision & Scale
{gpu} / {gpu_usage} GPU Usage
{memory_used_percentage} Percentage of used memory to total memory
{memory_used} Memory being used
{memory_total} Total memory minecraft has access to
{memory_allocated_percentage} Percentage of allocated to total memory
{memory_allocated} Total memory will attempt to use

PC Information

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{gpu_name} The name of the GPU length of name length of output > 0 String
{cpu_name} The name of the CPU length of name length of output > 0 String
{cpu_cores} Number of cores your cpu has number of cores if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{cpu_threads} Number of threads your cpu has number of threads if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{display_width} Minecraft’s windows width the width if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{display_height} Minecraft’s windows height the height if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{display_refresh_rate} Minecraft’s windows refresh rate the refresh rate if greater than 0 Precision & Scale
{java_version} The version of java length of output length of output > 0 Precision & Scale
{java_bit} If the java running is 32bit or 64bit 32 or 64 true Precision & Scale

Technical Miscellaneous

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value Flags
{queued_tasks} Pending chunks to be batched (pC in the F3 screen) pending chunks if more than 0 Precision & Scale
{upload_queue} Pending uploads to video card (pU in the F3 screen) pending upload if more than 0
{buffer_count} Available buffers to use in the batching process. (aB in the F3 screen) available buffers if more than 0
{chs} The Y coordinate of the highest non-air block at the player’s X/Z coordinate. (reported by the client) the y coordinate false if can't get info
{chm} The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material or is liquid. (reported by the client) the y coordinate false if can't get info
{shs} The Y coordinate of the highest non-air block at the player’s X/Z coordinate. (reported by the server) the y coordinate false if can't get info
{sho} The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material. (reported by the server) the y coordinate false if can't get info
{shm} The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material or is liquid. (reported by the server) the y coordinate false if can't get info
{shml} The Y coordinate of the highest block at the player’s X/Z coordinate that has a blocking-motion material and is not leaves. (reported by the server) the y coordinate false if can't get info

Sodium (No Flags)[Removed in v3.3.2 for 1.20.4+ (and v3.1.3 for 1.20.1)]
Requires Sodium to be installed

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value
{sodium_version} Sodium Version length of output length of output > 0
{sodium_chunk_arena_allocator} Sodium Chunk Arena Memory Allocator length of output length of output > 0
{sodium_staging_buffers} Sodium Staging Buffers number of staging buffers if greater than 0
{sodium_buffer_objects} Sodium Device Buffer Objects number of buffer objects if greater than 0
{sodium_memory_used} Sodium Device Memory Used memory used if greater than 0
{sodium_memory_allocated} Sodium Device Memory Allocated memory allocated if greater than 0

Iris (No Flags) [Removed in v3.3.2 for 1.20.4+ (and v3.1.3 for 1.20.1)]
Requires Iris to be installed

Variable Description Number Value Boolean Value
{iris_version} Iris Version length of output length of output > 0
{iris_shaderpack} Shaderpack file loaded length of output length of output > 0
{iris_shaderpack_profile} Shaderpack profile loaded length of output length of output > 0
{iris_shaderpack_changes} How many changes the user made to the profile number of changes number of changes > 0