Written for v3


Theming allows you to customize the style of your profiles, like foreground and background color, font, scale, text shadow, and line spacing

Profile Wide

Profile-Wide Theme Options have to be placed above any Section Headers
Syntax: ==<option>:<value>==


Want to change the style only for a part of the profile? You can use the local variant for that.
Syntax: =<option>:<value>=

Theme Options:

Option Description Can use Local? Value Type Default Value
ForegroundColor Color of the text - Color
(See below)
BackgroundColor Color of the background - #44000000
Scale Scale of the hud No Decimal 1.0
LineSpacing How much space there is between lines - Integer 2
TextShadow Should the text have a shadow - true / false true
Font The font the text should be rendered in v3.3+ Identifier
(See below)
TargetRange How far does the target block and fluid variables work.
v3.3: and target entities
No Integer 20
Crosshair Which crosshair to use No Crosshair
(See below)

Named Colors [Added in v3.1]

In v3.1, you can now write the color's name instead of a hex color

Background (looking at the sky)
No Background: none

background color
Foreground (looking at the sky)
foreground color

Hex Colors

Use this if you want a specific color and you have the hex code for it.

Default Transparency:
  • Foreground: FF
  • Background (v3.0): FF
    • Use #44RRGGBB or #4RGB for the same transparency as the default
  • Background (v3.1): 44

Syntax Example
#AARRGGBB #77FF4040 Coral Red (50% transparency)
#RRGGBB #FF4040 Coral Red (default transparency)
#ARGB #BF50 Orange-ish Red (75% Opacity)
#RGB #F50 Orange-ish Red (default transparency)
Letters Meaning Range
AA or A Alpha (Translucency) 00-FF or 0-F
RR or R Red 00-FF or 0-F
GG or G Green 00-FF or 0-F
BB or B Blue 00-FF or 0-F


Crosshair Description Image
Normal Shows the normal vanilla crosshair, unless you have a custom crosshair mod enabled normal crosshair
Debug Shows the 3-axis crosshair found in the F3 screen normal crosshair
Vanilla [Added in v3.1] Shows the normal vanilla crosshair, even with a custom crosshair mod enabled normal crosshair
None [Added in v3.1] Shows no crosshair at all normal crosshair

Built-In Fonts

Minecraft has a few built-in fonts that I've slightly modified so that characters not in the font still works

Font Identifier Alphabet
Default minecraft:default The default font alphabet
Illager (Alphanumberic) minecraft:illageralt The illageralt font alphabet
Illager (Alphabet Only) minecraft:illageralt2 The illageralt2 font alphabet
Standard Galatic Alphabet
(Enchanting Table)
minecraft:alt The alt font alphabet
(Force Unicode Font)
minecraft:uniform The uniform font alphabet